A Fascinating Insight into the Psychology of Serial Killers


Join expert forensics lecturer Jennifer Rees to explore one of Forensic Psychology’s most troubling topics.

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Join expert forensics lecturer Jennifer Rees to explore one of Forensic Psychology’s most troubling topics.

Coming to Blackburn’s King George’s Hall on Thursday 16 June 2022, the show will explore one of true crime’s most troubling topics.

During this talk, you will discover how serial killers are classified. What are the differences between lust killers like the BTK (Bind, Torture, Kill) Killer and visionary killers such as David Berkowitz (Son of Sam)?

Jennifer will explore the different categories, using case studies to illustrate. 

She will also debunk common Serial Killer Myths – you may be surprised by what you learn! 

Jennifer will discuss the typical differences between males and female serial killers, again, incorporating case studies to illustrate.

You will also investigate the phenomenon of killer couples such as Fred and Rose West and The Moors Murderers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, as well exploring the Folie à deux syndrome a.k.a “shared psychosis”. 

Why do women fall in love with known serial killers? Jennifer will discuss the clinical knowledge surrounding why serial killers gain admirers, fan mail, and even spouses in light of their atrocious crimes. Learn about hybristophilia, and the astounding case of the Night Crawler’s trial. 

How common are homicidal fantasies? Have you ever fantasised about killing someone? You may be surprised by the results of the research!

Identifying John and Jane Does – how are victims identified? You will watch a fascinating time-lapse video of facial reconstruction on the skull of a discovered body.

Event Details

King George’s Hall, Blackburn
Thu 16 Jun 2022 / 7:00pm
Tickets on sale from Friday 25 Feb 2022, 9:00am
Ages 16+
Link to event and tickets: https://bwdvenues.com/whats-on/psychology-of-serial-killers-2022/

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