Channel 4’s new daytime show The Tool Club is coming to Stanley Grange Community Association for an allotment makeover but also wants to help individuals from Blackburn, Darwen and beyond with smaller projects to feature on the show.
For the HOME section of the series …. the team are looking for smaller scale makeover projects. Maybe someone within the Lancashire area needs an annoying rubbled path sorting out as they’ve had an operation and would like easy access to their front door …. Or maybe two children are sharing a bedroom and they want their own space within that room so could do with our expert help to redesign the room. Let us know the project you would like help with.
For the BUS section of the series …. the team are looking for people to come to visit the TOOL BUS to have a much-loved item restored, repaired, or upcycled. Eg. Maybe they’re about to throw an old dartboard into the skip but have they thought of having it upcycled into a side table? A broken electric screwdriver that just needs a repair rather than throwing it away and buying a new one, or even an old fireside chair handed down from Grandma that needs reupholstering rather than leaving to rot in the shed.
Entries need to be in by this Friday 18th March 2022. Email with your projects, makeover ideas and upcycling projects.