Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Release of one of the Greatest Albums of all Time, Led Zeppelin II


Whole Lotta Led will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of Led Zeppelin’s second album, Led Zeppelin II.

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This September at Darwen Library Theatre, Whole Lotta Led will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of Led Zeppelin’s second album, Led Zeppelin II. 

With classics such as ‘Ramble On’, ‘Thank You’ and of course, ‘Whole Lotta Love’, this LP was the one which catapulted Led Zeppelin from being just another sixties blues group to one of the most influential and successful bands of all time.Led Zeppelin II was the first of their albums to reach number one, toppling The Beatles’ Abbey Road in the process, and staying on the LP chart for a total of 138 weeks.Now in their 22nd year, Whole Lotta Led are widely regarded as the closest tribute Led Zeppelin that you will ever hear, with their five-piece line-up reproducing the songs as flawlessly as possible.

For 2019, Whole Lotta Led has been performing a series of Led Zeppelin II shows to celebrate this incredible album. The first half of these special shows sees a selection of songs from Led Zeppelin’s vast back catalogue, while the second half will feature the whole of Led Zeppelin II played in the same sequence as the original LP.Don’t miss this special celebration of this timeless album. Head to Darwen Library Theatre and relive one of the most successful, innovative, and influential bands in the history of rock music.

“You’re getting great reviews, I wish you all the best.”
Jimmy Page, Led Zeppelin 

“Whole Lotta Led are not Led Zeppelin in any way shape or form, their gigs are all about the music, just like Led Zeppelin’s were”
Sunday Express

VENUE: Darwen Library Theatre, Knott St, Darwen, Lancashire BB3 3BU
DATE: Saturday 21st September 2019
TIME: 8.00pm
TICKET PRICES: Advance from £19.50
Door from £21.50

Tickets are available
By Phone: 01254 706006
In Person: From Darwen Library, Knott Street, Darwen or Darwen Leisure Centre, The Green, Darwen or King George’s Hall Box Office, Northgate, Blackburn.

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