“I used to see a sunny morning when I was 18 and thought ‘I’m just going to go on the street and play, nobody knows who I am anyway.’ The doo-wop singers used to do that, stand on street corners. That’s how I started off.” martin explained.
There is rarely a dull moment in conversation with Stephenson, but that’s exactly what you’d hope from someone who’s never stood still during 35 years in love with music. For him, it’s not a career, it’s a lifetime calling, and his restless troubadour spirit has now amassed an extraordinary catalogue of 40 albums.
“There’s lots of different dimensions in music,” he muses, addressing how he survives and thrives 40 records down the line.
“Sometimes, no matter how open rock ‘n’ roll people think they are, they can have a blinkered view of how the scene and the universe shift. You’ve got to redefine yourself. It just depends whether you’re connected to it or not.”
VENUE: Darwen Library Theatre, Knott St, Darwen, Lancashire BB3 3BU
DATE: Wednesday 17th July 2019
TIME: Doors 7.00pm
TICKET PRICES: Full Price Ticket From £16.00
Door Ticket From £18.00

Tickets are available
Online: www.darwenlibrarytheatre.com
By Phone: 01254 706006
In Person: From Darwen Library, Knott Street, Darwen or Darwen Leisure Centre, The Green, Darwen or King George’s Hall Box Office, Northgate, Blackburn.