Co-host of Netflix’s Flinch, and star of Live at the Apollo (BBC) and The Mash Report (BBC Two), is embarking on a tour of her hugely successful Edinburgh Fringe run of Desiree’s Coming Early! Desiree will be live at Darwen Library Theatre on Thursday 10th October 2019.
Desiree’s Coming Early! isn’t a typical show about relationships or hard-hitting love. Have you ever been caught in a loop? Does every revision require a revolution? Does pushing too hard only get you right back to the beginning? What if everything really is just the same thing forever?
The year is 2017, the #metoo movement is global and Desiree has just finished at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. At a moment in recent history where decades of societal progress swung right back around to authoritarianism and disintegration, Desiree embarks on a soul-searching journey of mythically ridiculous proportions in the Black Rock Desert of Northwest Nevada to attend the famous Burning Man, learning something deeper about how she, and all of us, have gotten here.
LA-born US comedian Desiree exploded onto the UK comedy scene, winning the 2015 Funny Women Award and a Fringe First Award, and has since racked up credits on some of the biggest comedy shows on UK TV. She has appeared as a US correspondent on The Mash Report (BBC Two) and as co-host of the Netflix show Flinch with Lloyd Griffith and Seann Walsh. She has also appeared on Live at the Apollo (BBC), Have I Got News For You (BBC), Qi (BBC), 8 Out of 10 Cats (Channel 4), Mock The Week (BBC Two), Insert Name Here (BBC Two) and Frankie Boyle’s New World Order (BBC Two), and co-hosted Officially Amazing (CBBC), amongst many more
VENUE: Darwen Library Theatre, Knott St, Darwen, Lancashire BB3 3BU
DATE: Thursday 10th October 2019
TIME: 7.30pm
Tickets are available Online here
By Phone: 01254 706006
In Person: From Darwen Library, Knott Street, Darwen or King George’s Hall Box Office, Northgate, Blackburn.