The Moments in Blackburn project is a great way to preserve and celebrate the town’s history. By submitting your photos, videos, and memories, you can help to create a lasting record of Blackburn’s past and present. Your contributions will be shared with the community and will help to create a more vibrant and connected town.

Here are some specific reasons why you should submit your images to the Moments in Blackburn project:

  • To help preserve Blackburn’s history. Your photos and videos can help to document the town’s changing landscape, its important landmarks, and its unique culture.
  • To celebrate Blackburn’s community. Your memories can help to show how the town has changed over time and how it has been shaped by its people.
  • To connect with other Blackburnians. Sharing your images and memories can help you to connect with other people who love the town as much as you do.
  • To create a lasting legacy. Your contributions will be part of a living time capsule that will be enjoyed by generations to come.

All photos shared with the project will have the Moments in Blackburn watermark added to them and will remain your property. As part of joining the project you give permission for Blackburn Life to share the watermarked images to encourage discussion about Blackburn’s history, heritage and culture.

Moments in Blackburn

Thank you for your interest in our Digital Scanning Option. Please complete the remainder of the form and click Submit

Currently we are only accepting submissions from cloud storage options, such as Google Drive, DropBox, flickr or WeTransfer. If you do not have access to one of these options, please choose the "None of the above" and we will contact you via email.

For Google Drive or Dropbox, please enter the email address linked to your Google Drive below. Please then share folders with us, only containing content you wish to share with Blackburn Life using our Google Drive or DropBox account

For Flickr, please enter a direct link to an album you wish to share. We will download the content, add our watermark and add your images to the project.

For WeTransfer, please confirm the email address you will send your transfer from. Send your transfer to


We will get in touch via email to discuss options. Please complete the disclaimer and Submit the form