This popular 1940s variety show presents comedian and multi-instrumentalist, Pete Lindup and ukulele virtuoso, Anthony Mason who bring the memories of George Formby, Noel Coward and more.
The Bluebirds portray The Andrews Sisters, plus tributes to Gracie Fields, Anne Shelton and Dame Vera Lynn.
Bob More sings the smooth 1940s songs and pays tribute to Donald Peers.
We’ll Meet Again is performed in World War Two armed forces uniforms and with the live music of a show band, the show creates a truly memorable experience.
Blackburn Empire Theatre presents ‘We’ll Meet Again’ on Monday 16th September at 2:00 pm. Tickets are £14 and concession are £12.
Available online here or from the Booking Office in person or by phone (Monday to Saturday 10am to 12:30pm) 01254 685 500.