As we celebrate the Queen’s 70 years on the throne, we have taken a look back at what Blackburn was like in the decade that Princess Elizabeth first became Queen.
All images are courtesy of BwD Council and the project
Kelsall Avenue, Little Harwood
Council houses on Kelsall Avenue, Little Harwood. The estate was built in 1948-49 near to Philips Road and the Mullards Factory.
Montague Street
Looking up Montague Street form the King Street end. The upper part was once known as Branch Road. At the top can be seen the spire of Trinity Wesleyan Chapel.
1951 Carnival
Prize winning float in the 1951 Centenary Celebrations Coming from Blakey Moor onto Northgate. Notice the “Player’s Please” cigarette flag.
Cardwell Mansion, King Street
Erected in the mid 18 Century. Richard Cardwell lived here, grandfather of Viscount Cardwell, M.P. For Clitheroe in 1842. Now the home of Age UK
King William Street
King William Street, formerly known as Livesey Street, it was opened up in 1932, several ancient houses being demolished to give access to the old market place. A policeman was […]
Leyland Mansion, King Street
Leyland Mansion, King Street. Erected 1745 by William Leyland, founder of the Girls Charity School, Thunder Alley. Later it was the residence of W.H. Hornby.