Blackburn with Darwen Council is backing national No Smoking Day, taking place today (Wednesday, March 9.)
The campaign aims to inspire hundreds of thousands of smokers across the UK to win their fight against cigarettes.
This year the theme is ‘Today is the Day’ – there is no time like now to quit smoking.
Help will be at hand in both Blackburn and Darwen as the Harri Bus (Health, Advice, Recovery, Resilience, Information) will be in both towns to offer advice and support on giving up.
The Wellbeing Bus will be outside Blackburn Town Hall on Wednesday from 9.30am – 12.30pm and will then travel onto Darwen Market Square from 1.30pm – 4.30pm.
The events are being supported by Macmillan, Lancashire Mind and Active Lancashire.
Research shows that smokers who quit might experience short term stress but those who quit for 6 weeks or more show signs of improved mental as well as physical health.
If you’re thinking about stopping, or reducing smoking, in BwD you access personalised support, motivation and encouragement from Wellbeing Service Health Trainers.
Call (01254) 682037,, or self-refer via this website.
Smoking prevalence in Blackburn with Darwen has continued to reduce since 2011, falling from 27.1% to 15.1%, and the borough’s 4-week quit rate is similar to the North West and England values.
Councillor Brian Taylor, Assistant Executive Member for Health and Adult Social Care and local smoking cessation champion, said:
I know it’s really hard to give up smoking – but today is the day to give it a go. If you’re a smoker, why not try No Smoking Day as a way to kick the habit and start a heathier life?
Withdrawal and the first few weeks can be hard, but the positives that you get from not smoking are worth it. Smoking is harmful for our immune system and our ability to fight off infections and can have a really damaging effect on our bodies. You are doing you and your body a big favour if you can give up.
The good news is there is help and support available locally that will give people a good chance of breaking away from their addictions and feel benefits of becoming smokefree. Why not head along to the Harri Bus in Blackburn or Darwen if you can and seize the day – you can do it.”
Deborah Arnott, Chief Executive of Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), who is helping to co-ordinate this year’s No Smoking Day, said:
No one should give up on giving up. Every time someone tries to stop smoking, they are a step closer to success. Like anything worth doing it can take practice to stop smoking – but there is lots of help out there.
Smokers are three times more likely to succeed in quitting with help from a trained professional than with willpower alone. Healthcare professionals can refer them to this support, but smokers can also find their local free service by searching ‘smokefree’ and entering their postcode.
“NHS staff fear smokers won’t listen to them, but they can make the difference. Most smokers wish they’d never started and are looking for a way out. Any health professional can help show them the way and have an everlasting impact on someone’s health. Today is the day to seize the moment.”
Visit to find out where you can get free access to the latest quitting aids, apps, information, one-to-one advice, and local support.